Family Constellation Workshop
Saturday, March 16 From 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (With Lunch break)
Body & Soul, Cincinnati, OH, USA
$150 per person if paid in advance ($200 on day of event)
This weekend workshop will allow attendees to bring to light hidden dynamics that inhibit growth, clarity, and the natural flow of life energy within all systems. While we tend to focus on issues arising within family systems and among the ancestors, the practice works well for situations arising at work, school, or in any organization.
Kenn has been facilitating Constellations since 2001.
The cost is $150 per person, pre-paid or $200 on the day of the event. The event will run from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. There is limited space, so please register to ensure your place. Registration is by full payment of the workshop fee. Please share the information with anyone who might be interested in attending.
What is Constellation Work?
Simply put - everything/everyone is connected through an unconscious medium we refer to as "soul". Every system that you are a part of - from your family and your job to your circle of friends and your own body - is based on this connecting substance. Because it is unconscious, there are usually dynamics within the given system that may show up as obstacles, blind spots, and actions that seem to arise from unknown motivations. Constellation Work allows us to bring these hidden dynamics to light and work with them for a more positive outcome.
This works whether the issue is a chronic condition arising within the system of your own body, or a long-standing feud between members of your family. It works to resolve blocks to creativity and communication, reveals the hidden causes of discord at work, and allows for deep healing between us and our distant ancestors.
We will be focusing as much as possible on the influence of our ancestors - both positive and negative - and how to receive or alter that influence.
Please join us for this powerful work together.
To go to the event page on FaceBook, click here.